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4 Tours in Panama


Panama City, capital and largest city of Panama. It is located on Panama’s central coast, near the Pacific end of the Panama Canal. Situated at the country’s narrowest point, Panama City has been a center for the movement of people and goods between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans since its founding in the 16th


The capital of the province of Colon bears the same name as the province and it is the 2nd largest city in the Republic of Panama. It is located at the Atlantic entrance to the Panama Canal. The city of Colon is the most important crossroad of merchandise traffic of the republic.


Playa Blanca is located in the


The San Blas Islands are a group of islands off the coast of Panama. Many of the San Blas are inhabited by their indigenous Indian tribe, the Kuna (or Cuna). The Kuna have been resisting changes to their culture since the Spanish first arrived over 500 years ago.